Portfolios at close of trading Friday 6/1/2012
P Taker $45648.44
P Hybrid $49323.07
P Runner $59485.73
I have only one stock RRL left in 2 portfolios.
It's a gold producer/explorer & has done well while the market as a whole has not.
The last 8 months have barely enabled me to test the two opposing market theories which are the whole point of this Blog, so it has now become a question of whether to continue this long only Blog or not.
The EFT GOLD & a few other gold stocks have risen as the market has fallen.
So I have decided that while my Market Switch is off, as it has been for the last 8 Months, I will take long positions when appropriate in the GOLD EFT & gold producers if they meet my criteria and at the moment GOLD EFT does not, but a few of the Gold stocks such as SLR,RSG & TRY do so.
It's a coin toss between them so I'll go for the one that has produced the best gains over the last year & that's SLR.
So once more unto the breach..
Buy $5k SLR in all 3 portfolios Monday at the open.