Sunday, 25 November 2012

Sun Nov 25th 2012

I had the wrong last date for ETPMAG in P Taker & I forgot to put the ETPMAG transaction in the P Runner portfolio, so here's the lot again with corrections, I've left the original post so you can see there's no smoke or mirrors involved!
P Taker $48938.08
P Hybrid $49111.27
P Runner $56472.44

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Sunday Nov 24th 2012

Open Positions
P Taker $48938.08
P Hybrid $49111.27
P Runner $56383.76
Portfolio management
No Buys next week
Sell/take profit WEB P Runner Mon at the open

Monday, 19 November 2012

Buys & Sells 19th November 2012

BRG @ 5.83
WDC @ 10.45
BEN @ 7.65
ETPMAG @ 30.79
All Open prices

Sunday, 18 November 2012

Nov 18th end of week summary

Open positions
P Taker $48214.53
P Hybrid $48210.54
P Runner $55769.88

Portfolio Management
P Taker Sell BRG & WDC Mon at the open
P Hybrid Sell BEN Mon at the open
P Runner Hold all positions.
Buy Silver ETPMAG Mon at the open
ETPMAG is not very liquid but the big falls in the past have been when it was above the mean reversion line, not below as it is now.

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Nov 11th end of week summary

Open positions
P Taker $47923.59
P Hybrid $48593.85
P Runner $56149.16

No Buys or Sells for next week.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Nov 4th end of week summary

Open positions
P Taker $48081.82
P Hybrid $48734.18
P Runner $55981.88
Portfolio Management
P Taker Sell WOW next open
P Hybrid & P Runner Sell HVN next open
No Buys next week