Sunday, 28 July 2013

28th July 2013 end of week summary

Open positions
P Taker
P Hybrid
P Runner
Portfolio Management
No Sells for next week
Buy FPH all 3 portfolios Monday at the Open

Monday, 22 July 2013

Jesse Livermore

I like the quote in Colin Twiggs latest Trading Diary email:

Don't take action with a trade until the market, itself, confirms your opinion.
Being a little late in a trade is insurance that your opinion is correct.
In other words, don't be an impatient trader.

~ Jesse Livermore

Sunday, 21 July 2013


Buy TLS - Telstra for all 3 portfolios Monday at the open.
Was also looking at BRG and ALL, but the 3 portfolios & XAO weren't exactly on fire last week so I'll wait & see what crawls out of the woodwork..

Saturday, 20 July 2013

20th July 2013 end of week summary

SDG & SEK bought at 1.465 & 9.62 respectively. 
Open Positions
P Taker
P Hybrid
P Runner
Portfolio management:
AGI to be sold Monday at the open
Buys to be posted later this weekend, I'll be having a good hard look at Resources & Materials.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Buys for Monday 15th July 2013

Sunland Group & Seek
Both entries look to have good risk/reward ratios, with stock risk limited to around 10 % and portfolio risk limited to around 1% for all portfolios. 
Both have dividends due in September.  

Saturday, 13 July 2013

13th July 2013 end of week summary

Open positions
P Taker
P Hybrid
P Runner
Portfolio management
No sells for next week
Scans still to be done, but I'll probably be adding 2 or 3 Buys for next week, whatever portfolio heat will allow.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

Trade Me - Buy

Buy TME Monday 8th July at the open for all 3 portfolios

Saturday, 6 July 2013

6th July 2013 end of week summary

Open positions
P Taker
P Hybrid
P Runner
Portfolio management
No sells for next week
Market Switch is ON
Will run some scans & list any Buys later or tomorrow