Sunday, 27 April 2014

Buys/sells for Mon 28th April

No sells for either portfolio
Buy MQG for both portfolios Monday at the open.
Got to admit I feel a bit nervous about buying with so many people negative about the market, but the market switch is on so I'll follow the system..

Friday, 25 April 2014

Open Positions 25th April 2014

P Hybrid
P Runner

Market closed today Anzac Day

Monday, 21 April 2014

Buys & Sells for Tuesday 22nd April 2014

P Hybrid Sell FPH & HGG
P Runner Sell CSL
My Market switch is just off at the moment by a vote of 4 inputs off to 3 on.
It's a short week this week, the Aussie market is closed today Easter Monday & Friday Anzac day.

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Open positions 19th April 2014

P Hybrid
P Runner

A reasonable week considering all the backslapping that was going on early in the week from those out of the market or with BEAR ETF's that were predicting more downside.
I'll be taking profits on FPH & HGG in P Hybrid  next week.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

Buys/Sells for Mon 14th April 2014

P Hybrid:  Sell JHX & RHC Mon at the open
P Runner:  No Sells
Market switch is off, so no Buys for either portfolio

Only held JHX for 1 week, but because it was bought in a dip the trailing stop was fairly close, so very little harm done.
All the US markets are "off" using my market switch, & in the Aussie market the XSO is also off, only the XTO is on & that is overridden by all the others.

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Open positions 2014-04-12

BGA sold at 5.13  &  SGH sold at 4.38 in P Hybrid
 JHX bought at 14.22 both portfolios

P Hybrid
P Runner

Sunday, 6 April 2014

Buys/Sells for Monday 7th April 2014

P Hybrid Sell BGA & SGH
P Runner no Sells
Buy JHX for both portfolios Monday at the open.

As you can tell my market switch is ON, & although I feel that there will be some selling early next week I'll stick with the system.
No system is 100% right all the time.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Open positions 2014-04-05

P Hybrid
P Runner

P Hybrid - 0.21%   P Runner + 0.98%
S&P ASX Small Ords - 0.04%    S&P ASX 100 + 1.1%