Saturday, 23 April 2016

Open positions 23rd April 2016



TPM went ex div on the 18th, paid 7c 100% franked.
No buys were triggered last week, everything in my watchlist was out of the buy zone.
The Lithium stock GXY helped prevent the 2sl3sdc portfolio from going into drawdown.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Open positions 16th April 2016



A good week for the 2sl3sdc portfolio.
I'm looking to buy a new stock for both porfolios next week.

Sunday, 10 April 2016

Open positions 10th April 2016



A good week for both portfolios, have corrected the purchase dates on some stocks, which the portfolio manager seems to like changing, maybe because it's on US time!

Monday, 4 April 2016

GXY buy 4th April 2016

GXY, Galaxy Resources, Materials, Materials, Metals & Mining, Diversified Metals & Mining.
Price sensitive announcement on Friday re Lithium production commenced.
Took a small position in the 2sl3sdc portfolio.

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Open positions 3rd April 2016



I'm looking to add another position to both portfolios next week, probably something from the
 ASX 50 to the ASX 200 range.